Dr Jeremy Berman Dr Bradley Mann Dr David Von Brandt

Dr Jeremy Berman

Dr Jeremy Berman is a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist who has a full-time NHS Consultant post at The John Howard Centre, Hackney, London.

He has developed his medico-legal practice since 2004, initially in criminal law and has provided expert reports in homicide cases and other complex criminal cases. He has subsequently broadened his expertise to private and family law, independent 1st Tier Tribunal reports and assessment of litigation capacity.

As a Forensic Psychiatrist, Dr Berman has specialist skills in assessing fitness to plead, psychiatric defences, the assessment of malingering and using Structured Profession Judgement instruments for the clinical assessment of risk of physical and / or sexual violence using specialist risk assessment tools i.e. HCR-20 (violence), SARA (domestic violence) and RSVP (sexual violence).

Dr Berman is an experienced HCR-20 trainer and regularly provides training on risk assessment and risk management. He recently attended HCR-20:V3 training in Germany. He also has experience in the assessment and management of stalking, domestic violence risk and threat assessment.